HCG Diet Terms Explained

HCG Diet Phase 1  •  HCG Diet Phase 2  •  HCG Diet Phase 3  •  HCG Diet Phase 4

Common Names for Sugar

HCG Diet Phase 3 Begins Once:

1) The ideal weight is achieved, or
2) After the 23rd or 40th day cycle is complete, or
There are many common names for sugar that may not seem so common:

Here are 25 common names for sugar:



There are conditions that would end HCG Phase 2 earlier than the end of the HCG cycle. Some dieters achieve their ideal weight in less time and do not need to continue. In fact, once the body reaches its ideal weight, HCG becomes ineffective for additional weightloss.

70 Common Names for Sugar

Here is a list to get you started in identifying sugars. I'm sure you can come up with many more names for sugar.

  1. Free flowing brown sugar
  2. Agave nectar
  3. Barbados Sugar
  4. Barley malt
  5. Beet sugar
  6. Blackstrap molasses
  7. Brown sugar
  8. Buttered syrup
  9. Cane crystals
  10. Cane juice crystals
  11. Cane sugar
  12. Caramel
  13. Carob syrup
  14. Castor sugar
  15. Confectioner’s sugar
  16. Corn syrup
  17. Corn sweetener
  18. Corn syrup solids
  19. Crystalline fructose
  20. Date sugar
  21. Demerara Sugar
  22. Dextrin
  23. Dextran
  24. Dextrose
  25. Diastatic malt
  26. Diatase
  27. D-mannose
  28. Evaporated cane juice
  29. Ethyl maltol
  30. Florida chrystals
  31. Free flowing
  32. Fructose
  33. Fruit juice
  34. Fruit juice concentrate
  35. Galactose
  36. Glucose
  37. Glucose solids
  38. Golden sugar
  39. Golden syrup
  40. Granulated sugar
  41. Grape sugar
  42. Grape juice concentrate
  43. HFCS
  44. High-fructose corn syrup
  45. Honey
  46. Icing sugar
  47. Invert sugar
  48. Lactose
  49. Malt syrup
  50. Maltodextrin
  51. Maltose
  52. Mannitol
  53. Maple syrup
  54. Molasses
  55. Muscovado sugar
  56. Organic raw sugar
  57. Panocha
  58. Powdered sugar
  59. Raw sugar
  60. Refiner’s syrup
  61. Rice Syrup
  62. Sorbitol
  63. Sorghum syrup
  64. Sucrose
  65. Sugar
  66. Syrup syrup
  67. Table sugar
  68. Treacle
  69. Turbinado sugar
  70. Yellow sugar


HCG Diet Phase 3 Eating Plan:

Phase 3 of the HCG Diet can be divided into 2 stages:

Stage 1: Weeks 1-3
Stage 2: Weeks 4-6

HCG Diet Phase 3 weeks 1-3

In the first 3 weeks of Phase 3, you may eat anything you'd like except starches and sugars, but the amount that is eaten is controlled by the morning eating.

The bodyweight should become stable and should not have dramatic swings upward after an occasional intake of excess calories. Accoridng to Dr. Simeon, "If no carbohydrates whatsoever are eaten, fats can be indulged in somewhat more liberally and even small quantities of alcohol, such as a glass of wine with meals, does no harm, but as soon as fats and starch are combined things are very liable to get out of hand. This has to be observed very carefully during the first 3 weeks after the treatment is ended otherwise disappointments are almost sure to occur."

It is important to eat an adequate amount of protein and enough food. A good rule of thumb, is to double your intake of protein and triple the amount of calories. Instead of 2 servings of 3.5 oz. of protein (100g), you would have 2 servings of 7 oz. (200g), with a daily target of about 1,500 calories. These numbers would then be adjusted based upon your hunger and daily weight to maintain your weight in the 4 pound target range.

If your weight goes up 2 or more pounds, you must immediately have a Steak Day. If it goes down more than 2 pounds, you must have a double Philly Steak Day.

Phase 3 Personal Care Products: There are no longer restrictions placed on personal care products; however, it is always a great thing to choose healthy and organic products that limit your impact to the environment!

Read Food Labels!
Next time you're food shopping, carefully read the labels before purchasing anything. It will amaze you just how many products have sugar added to them. Now they may not come right out and call it sugar, but that's exactly what it is. Here are some of the other nicknames we have for sugar.

Restaurants in Phase 3
Most restaurants use large amounts of sugar, fats and other unhealthy ingredients like MSG to improve the flavor of their foods. Be careful of the frequency you eat out, as well as the portion sizes which seem to grow each year.

HCG Diet Phase 1  •  HCG Diet Phase 2  •  HCG Diet Phase 3  •  HCG Diet Phase 4

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